VUL.1.01 - Vulnerability Scans
Control Statement
IllumiDesk conducts vulnerability scans against the production environment; scan tools are updated prior to running scans.
This control is fairly straightforward. We have flexibility in how we perform these scans, but the burden of proof will be on IllumiDesk to show that we are scanning all systems and that we are checking for the more relevant vulnerabilities. This control is meant to ensure we regularly assessing the state of all production systems. The update part of this control ensures we are always checking for the most recent vulnerabilities we know about. When properly applied, this control will help us generate a list of the risk associated with each IllumiDesk system and help us prioritize security resources dedicated to remediation. This control can also be valuable in validating the device inventory (see control # AM.1.01).
An auditor will look to validate whether or not the identified scope of systems are being scanned on a consistent basis by reviewing scan logs over multiple scanning periods (whatever the frequency of scanning is).
Additionally, the auditor will verify the scanning tool is up-to-date and how that is accomplished.
This control applies to all systems within our production environment. The production environment includes all endpoints and cloud assets used in hosting and its subdomains. This may include third-party systems that support the business of
Control Owner: Security Operations
Process Owner: Security Operations
Depending on whether we use an agent-based scanner or an agent-less scanner, the approach to implementation will differ. It's important to conduct these scans on a regular basis and to record all scan history so a timeline can be built. This timeline will be the way we prove patching timelines in order to satisfy other security controls.
Additional control information and project tracking
Non-public information relating to this security control as well as links to the work associated with various phases of project work can be found in the Vulnerability Scans control issue.
Framework Mapping
Last updated